Flatiron Wealth

The latest news and insights from Flatiron Wealth Management

General Economy

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
the United States has threatened (and then paused and then threatened again) to impose tariffs on Canadian imports, including key construction materials like softwood lumber, steel, and aluminum.

Personal Finance

Thursday, February 6, 2025
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is one of the most effective tools to help you build a bright future and take charge of your retirement planning.

Financial Planning

Friday, January 24, 2025
Balancing caregiving responsibilities with financial stability can be challenging, but with thoughtful planning and the right resources, it's possible to manage both effectively

Personal Finance

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
The deterioration of the brain, however, robs people of the latter. For that individual, coming to terms with the reality, confusion and memory loss must be terrifying.

Personal Finance

Monday, November 4, 2024
In Canada, November is recognized as Financial Literacy Month, making it an ideal time to dive deeper into what you know and where you can improve.

General Economy

Friday, September 6, 2024
There is no doubt, however, that the current campaign is anxiety inducing for investors. Canada may be gearing up for its own divisive political battle, but its noisy neighbour is a behemoth that dominates news cycles. And just like a good horror film, these stories are full of jumps and nerve-shredding moments.

Real Estate

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
A family cottage is a source of joy where families spend some of their most cherished times. They can become a powder keg however when it comes to estate planning. By leveraging the expertise of a financial planner, accountant, and lawyer, families can create a robust strategy to preserve their cherished cottage for generations to come.

Real Estate

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Cottages were all the rage in recent years past—and that’s precisely why they’re still an investing hot topic in 2024.

Tax Strategy

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
For those of you still shaking off the hassle of this year’s returns, the planning for next year should start now. And one way to stay a step ahead and to improve next year’s returns is income splitting.

Tax Strategy

Friday, April 26, 2024
History, ultimately, will be the judge of the recently proposed capital gains tax hike. The Government argues the extra billions of dollars generated will be invested in programs that give people a fairer chance “to build a good, middle-class life”, but critics say this will deter the risk-taking capital that stimulates economic growth and penalize hard-working business owners and individuals.

Financial Planning

Thursday, March 21, 2024
When the higher sun shines in your windows and reveals the dust bunnies, it might be time to also dust off your finances.

Personal Finance

Thursday, February 15, 2024
According to The Beatles, money can’t buy you love but as many people will attest, money can certainly destroy. Paul McCartney was always the Fab Four’s hopeless romantic.

Investment Types

Monday, February 12, 2024
For the most important aspects of your life, there is typically a half a dozen things that matter. Keeping healthy means daily exercise, eating well, a good night sleep, finding me time, positive personal relationships, and moderated drinking. Investing and accumulating wealth is no different, there are only a few things that really matter...

Firm News

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Financial Planning

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Most people probably don’t think about retirement when they are working and busy with life. And then one day there is a trigger. Some life event, like a spouse who is nearing full pension eligibility, the last child leaves the family home, or a 30th work anniversary starts the process of considering retirement.

Personal Finance

Friday, January 12, 2024
When it comes to personal finances, January can be a month when the festive adrenaline eases and your own economic reality hits home. The cure lies in forward-thinking, a positive mindset and goal setting.

General Economy

Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Rewind to the end of 2022 and analysts were forecasting recessions, hard landings, and interest rate cuts. They never happened.

Personal Finance

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Even those who despise golf will likely have heard the saying, “driver for show, putter for dough.” The premise: that smacking the ball 300 yards looks great but the ability to get it in the hole is what determines success.

Investment Types

Friday, November 3, 2023
There are four basic things you can do with new money. Spend it, save it, pay off debt or give to charity. All of us must spend a certain amount to live, and charity is very much a personal choice. The focus of this article is whether to invest or tackle mortgage debt.

Investment Types

Monday, August 14, 2023
You may be hearing more about Private Investments these days and wondering if they are suitable. The first question you may have is why the focus on them now?

Tax Strategy

Thursday, July 27, 2023
Navigating the breaks and rules to your advantage is a legitimate tactic to not only keep more money in your wallet but also fuel your family’s legacy, whether that’s through charitable donations, community work, or simply ensuring the kids’ and grandkids’ futures.

Investment Types

Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Even if you are a long-term investor with a well-diversified portfolio, market volatility has introduced many to negative statements for the first time. The instinct to look for safety and pull your money out of the market may be understandable but is potentially fatal to your retirement portfolio.

Personal Finance

Monday, June 5, 2023
Time is your greatest investing partner, but its value can be overlooked. Passive and quiet, this partner won’t bang on your door and say it’s time to get started, that part is up to you.

Investment Types

Friday, May 26, 2023
Are we set for more market volatility? Despite the central bank’s efforts, the economy remains strong in places, particular the labour market and real estate, despite the latter cooling slightly.

Investment Types

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Now is a great time to look at your income investments. Recent interest rate hikes in North America have significantly reduced the prices, making 2023 an interesting entry point.

Tax Strategy

Friday, May 5, 2023
70% of families report failure when it comes to intergenerational wealth transfers. Put another way, three out of every 10 transfers fail. It’s a core part of many people’s financial plan and yet 67% cite it as their biggest concern.

General Economy

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
For investors, the prevailing interest rate is like gravity. A constant and fundamental force on all things in capital markets. Understanding the basics of PV and the yield curve will help us be more educated investors.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023
As we all know, life expectancy is increasing. Retirement savings, therefore, need to last longer and be able to cope with the subsequent health and wellbeing costs as we age.

Tax Strategy

Thursday, February 23, 2023
For investors, tax misconceptions can be misleading and, without the help of an advisor, potentially damaging to your retirement. Here are a few myths explained and busted!

General Economy

Thursday, February 9, 2023
2023 won’t be perfect. There is always something happening in the world and news travels so quickly that short term volatility is here to stay. The best quote to remember is that in the short term the markets are a voting mechanism and in the long term a valuation mechanism.

Financial Planning

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Your employer was probably helping with several aspects of your financial plan. It’s time to go through these benefits one by one and figure out what to do with each item.

Investment Types

Friday, January 20, 2023
Faced with economic turbulence and rising costs, the world’s need for productivity and value is increasing. Change is in the (cleaner) air. It’s time to leave fantasy growth stories behind and focus on the fundamentals – infrastructure is the perfect place to start.

Firm News

Wednesday, January 4, 2023
We invited the blogTO for an exclusive tour of our beautiful office space and the unique architecture that comes with it!

Firm News

Thursday, December 15, 2022
Andrew Sheppard gives us his take on what it means to be an entrepreneur and how he plans to grow the business.

Financial Planning

Thursday, December 8, 2022
So much of the investment industry is focused on the “how” - how to get enhanced returns, how to build a portfolio, how to save tax, or how to capture the “next big thing”. Very few companies emphasize the “Why”...

Staying Invested

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
How the COVID-19 pandemic alters the path of history remains to be seen. Like a retiree looking back over their life, it’s only in hindsight that they can fully process the impact of euphoric highs and devastating lows. The great events of history are similar; they shape people and societies.

Portfolio Management

Friday, November 4, 2022
The 60-40 portfolio strategy is a touchstone for the industry, and shorthand for the tried and trusted method of protecting capital from wild market swings. There are endless variations on this theme, largely dependant on client risk tolerance and time horizon, but the navigational starting point of a “balanced” 60% stocks and 40% bonds mix has endured.

Real Estate

Tuesday, October 18, 2022
As the cliché goes, home is where the heart is. It’s also why decisions around selling or buying real estate, usually the biggest asset a person will own, go far beyond a financial transaction.

Staying Invested

Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Keeping your nerve when you see minus signs on your portfolio statement is not easy. Throw in a global pandemic, the rising cost of living, interest rate hikes, and news of political division, and it’s little wonder many investors want to exit the market and hunker down until the good times return.

Emerging Markets

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
There’s a reason the likes of Coldplay and U2 sell millions of albums - people know what they’re getting. Whether it’s The Edge’s chiming guitar or Chris Martin’s lovelorn warbling, familiarity is comforting. Less widely known, and arguably more interesting bands, like Sparks for example, who switch up genres, often endure more sporadic profits. 

Investing Myths

Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Gordon Gekko hasn’t done the investment industry’s reputation any favours. Michael Douglas’ unscrupulous movie character quickly became shorthand for all that is wrong with Wall Street and financial markets with his infamous ‘greed is good’ speech.

Financial Planning

Saturday, July 2, 2022
It’s that time of year again. The Christmas tree has come down, you’ve dived into your new year’s resolutions and … now it’s RRSP time.‍

Staying Invested

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Imagine you’re on a long-haul flight and the pilot informs you of every hint of turbulence. It would drive every passenger crazy. Thankfully, instead, most of us watch a movie, grab some uncomfortable sleep, and wait until the plane’s wheels hit tarmac. Ignorance is bliss.

Alternative Investments

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
For years, you’ve dined on meat and potatoes; sturdy fare that’s given you the strength and endurance you’ve needed. Now, however, while the prime cuts of meat still deliver, the potatoes are drying out – less quantity, quality and nourishment.

Alternative Investments

Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Canada’s benchmark interest rate hit an all-time high of 16% in 1991 – and here investors are in 2022, freaking out over projections it’ll touch 1% by June. But there’s a reason for the current unease.

Financial Planning

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Between the pandemic, inflation, and geopolitical tensions, market uncertainty reigns right now. You might have heard some disturbing words, like shares “plunging”, prices “soaring”, and investment “volatility”.

Financial Planning

Monday, February 21, 2022
The last time inflation was a major issue, Pink Floyd were releasing singles and the majority of Maple Leafs fans could still remember winning the Stanley Cup. Now the new generation of investors are more familiar with crypto than the Consumer Price Index.

Portfolio Management

Thursday, February 17, 2022
Watch the second episode of our three-part series: Demystifying Financial Planning, and allow us to bring more sense to a topic that often seems purposely confusing.

Portfolio Management

Thursday, February 10, 2022
Watch the second episode of our three-part series: Demystifying Financial Planning, and allow us to bring more sense to a topic which often seems purposely confusing.‍

Financial Planning

Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Latest numbers show that inflation is hovering around 7% in the US, and 4.7% in Canada. After more than 2 decades of ultra-low inflation rates, these new numbers are stunning.

Portfolio Management

Thursday, January 27, 2022
Watch the first episode of our three-part series: Demystifying Financial Planning, and allow us to bring more sense to a topic which often seems purposely confusing.

Financial Planning

Thursday, January 20, 2022
Most Canadians will have weighed up the advantages of using an advisor at some point in their lives. But with more and more options open to the DIY investor, the question of whether to use a professional is one many people don’t fully understand.‍

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